
Bryan Perkins

bryanperkinsMy name’s Bryan “with a Y” Perkins and I make the money I need to survive in our capitalist society by doing independently contracted quality assurance work for search engines. That’s a fancy way to say that I’m a glorified survey taker who teaches AIs how to do his job for him. I didn’t go to school thinking I’d be a robot teacher, though. I attended LSU in Baton Rouge and got a degree in Biology but never really felt like starting a career in the field. Instead I worked through odd jobs in video game testing, freelance writing, and freelance editing while I became heavily involved in Occupy Baton Rouge. To this day I still do what I can to end the reign of profits over human needs–mostly writing revolutionary fiction–but now I do it from my new home in New Orleans, Louisiana.

My latest book, An Almost Tangent (Infinite Limits Book 2) , is book two in the four part epic dystopian science fiction series Inifinite Limits. It continues the story of the worlds of Outland in which 3D printers provide every luxury humans could desire, from food to clothing, entertainment, and beyond, androids perform what little labor is left necessary in the resulting boon, and elevators travel anywhere anyone might want to go, whether it be upstairs, across the country, or to another world. Things might sound idyllic in Outland, but from Ansel’s point of view they look a little different.

As for my influences, I certainly have to name Margaret Atwood for helping me realize that long, beautiful sentences do belong in science fiction–if I can ever figure out how to write them myself. And of course Ursula K. Le Guin, not only for her writing but for her subject matter and fearless politics. Le Guin is never afraid to call out the established order of things and demand something new and better. Third I’ll say Kurt Vonnegut, someone who I read almost religiously in high school and who I only wish I was as funny as. And last but not least, Albert Camus for his absurdism. Without The Stranger, which I discovered in high school, or The Plague, which came to me later in life, I might not be the absurdist writer I am today.

I have several irons in the fire right now. I’m producing an audio book for my novella Murder in “Utopia,, which is currently only available in digital format right here. That should be out sometime in late March or early May. I also have book three of the Infinite Limits series, Dividing by Zero, sitting on my hard drive waiting to be edited and published, which I should get to after finishing the first draft of the novel I’m currently writing, The Vanguard, in the next month or so. And besides that I’m shopping around a shorter speculative fiction novel, called Executioner(s), for traditional publishing and editing another to start sending queries out for. It seems like so much more when I write it all out like that, and I’m starting to think that maybe I should go get to work on it now…



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