The diversity of SciFi
When I was at school I read a lot of SF books, so much so that my teacher told my parents that she was worried I was not reading enough other materiel, that Science

Close Encounters of the Third Kind Diary
I’ve loved Close Encounters since the first time I saw it as a kid at the local drive-in in the late 70’s. That eerie and iconic road with the glowing hill simultaneously freaked

DIRT by Nick Busse Cadet Cyrsev’s visit was pleasant until it was murderous. “Gloves,” I said absentmindedly. “You pullin’ weeds?” “In a manner of speaking,” Cyrsev said. He concealed his growing smile with

Jason M. Hough interview
What is your latest book? My latest is called Zero World, and it’s a near-future spy thriller about a parallel Earth that is 100 years behind us technologically, a scientist who finds this place

Broken Record
Broken Record by Simon Whitaker The Inquisitor paused, his finger hovering over one of three buttons. The first was the PROCEED button, it allowed the cargo under investigation to proceed through Customs to it’s

A million words of SF for free
This anthology features 120 up-and-coming SF authors, and is free to download until the end of March 2016. Do it, do it now!

LEGENDARY MOTHER DR Montgomery Jack The beast is vulnerable. It’s odd to call you that, to think of my teacher, my nurturer as prey. And yet here we are. For now, my name is

Interview with Kenneth Preston
Tell us about your debut novel Sure. It’s titled “The Passing of Each Perfect Moment.” It is a science fiction/mystery story. It’s been very well-received! It’s getting great reviews on Amazon! I couldn’t be

The Best of TOR
The Best of Tor is a new compilation of TOR Books best stories of 2015. It features some great stories from authors such as Kim Stanley Robinson, David D. Levin, and Michael Livingstone. Best

Out There
High on the roof, where the raucous noise of the city’s nightlife was distant enough that it was nothing more than a dull thrum, Aamil took a seat on one of the old, rusted