Interview with Clayton Smith
Clayton Smith has had a fair bit of success on amazon with his quirky small-town sci-fi. He kindly answered a few question for us. 1. Your work has been described as a cross between

Robert J Sawyer interview
Robert J. Sawyer is a Canadian Science Fiction writer who has been at it for a long time, winning both the Hugo and Nebula awards along the way. He answered a few questions

Battlefield Earth
I first came across Battlefield Earth when I was about 14 or 15, so around 1985. I had a paper round and the newsagent where I worked also sold books, stacked in a great

J.P. Beaubien gives us Terrible Writing Advice and a book of some pretty good writing!
J.P. Beaubien is the creator of the Youtube series Terrible Writing Advice and the author of time travel thriller Aeon Legion: Labyrinth 1. What came first, the book or the videos? The idea for Terrible

Trouble with Lichen – review
Trouble With Lichen John Wyndham I first heard about this book in Year 10 at school, so around 1985. I must have been reading another John Wyndham book at the time, possible Day of

Rick Partlow interview
Rick Partlow writes Heinlein inspired military SF, and spoke to us about his work Tell us a bit about your latest book My latest book is a military science fiction story with elements of

Douglas E. Richards interview
Douglas E. Richards is a New York Times Bestselling author who writes incredibly popular techno-thrillers, such as Mind’s Eye and his most recent publication, Game Changer. He took some time out from writing

New York Deep author Andrew Morgan
Andrew Morgan has written a couple of Science Fiction books that have been well received on amazon, including Noah’s Ark and Vessel. His latest sci-fi thriller is New York Deep, published last month. Tell

Author interview – Maggie Spence
Maggie Spence released her dystopian thriller The Johnson Project to great controversy. A take on the ‘sterile society’ genre that saw such success with books like Children of Men and The Handmaid’s Tale, it seems

Once Upon a Galaxy – The making of The Empire Strikes Back
ONCE UPON A GALAXY: A JOURNAL OF THE MAKING OF THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK by Alan Arnold This book is fairly rare, and long out of print. You can still pick up copies for